The Dão Region
The Heart of Portugal.
Nature is abundant in the Dão region, with its mountainous surroundings and natural protection from the cold winds. This region has vineyards that spread across its beautiful landscape.
We start our journey in the Dão region discovering its famous wines. Take a deep breath and immerse yourself in a new world of flavors, local culture, and ancient traditions. The vineyards and the wine tell all the stories of this region.
We invite you to experience the tranquillity of this mountainous region. The lively city of Viseu welcomes you, with its trendy atmosphere and delicious gastronomy.
Join us in discovering the oldest region of Portugal, one that inspired Viriato, the first Portuguese hero, to resist the Roman invasion.
Discovering the Dão Region is a special experience and an emotional journey.

Visa requirements
Visa in not needed for EU citizens. Everyone else need a visa.
Languages spoken
Curency used
Indonesian rupiah
Area (km2)
1.905 million km²